The Importance Of Carer Self-Care

“Carers are just as important, if not more than the care recipient!"

You might read this statement and think “I’m not more important than my loved one, they need me!” And this is precisely why we are highlighting your importance as a Carer, and the need for self-care, so you can be at your best when supporting your loved one! You can’t pour from an empty cup …..

We’ve had many conversations with fatigued Carers who are at breaking point. We understand this and we encourage you to be proactive rather than reactive and plan regular self-care moments to Take a Breath, and to also plan regular support. 

Self-care isn’t having a whole day free so you can then run around, and play catch up with errands and shopping. Self-care is giving yourself time to nurture and support your own mental and physical health. Carers can feel guilt when taking time out for themselves, but when you are mentally and physically spent, you need to Be Kind To Yourself and take time to recharge your batteries, so you can continue being your best Self.

If you don’t have family or friends to assist, we encourage you to research your options. For example:

  1. Utilise current NDIS In home support funding for regular respite, enabling your loved one to have a day outing or whilst you have a half or full day to yourself
  2. Contact and register with the Carer Gateway (we highly recommend this for ALL Carers!) 
  3. Finding a weekly or regular day program that your loved one attends, allowing you time to regroup.

What is important, is that you use some or all this time to recharge, refill your cup so you don’t reach the point of mental and physical exhaustion. Spend time nurturing you, your mental and physical health, ready for the next day or the next week ahead.

What might this look like?

  • Have a cuppa and reading that book you’ve been meaning to start for months
  • Start a Gratitude Journal, it’s amazing once you start writing, how it keeps flowing!
  • Catch up on sleep, meditate, watch your favourite movie
  • Do an activity which cleanses your mind and stops the continuous chatter such as repotting a few plants, plant out a small garden bed, sit and read a magazine over a cuppa
  • Join a local group where you can socialise or still your mind with activities which require concentration
  • Go for a walk, drive to the beach or a lake and walk for pleasure, the dog might even join you!

Self-care is NOT selfish, it is necessary, and more so for Carers. Be kind to yourself; it’s the small things you do regularly which can make a big difference. 

Please reach out for more assistance regarding Disability Home Care, we are only ever a phone call away.

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